Saturday, August 20, 2011


My husband is off fishing today.  Ocean fishing with a bunch of guys from work.  Very manly. They normally have a lot of fun on these trips and I'm glad he's able to go - he's been very busy and under a lot of stress at work lately (all a normal part of the job).

He was getting ready last night about 9:00 pm (he had to be up at 3:00 am the next day)  and said he couldn't find the hat I'd made him.  It gets very cold out on the water that early in the morning and the hat I'd made him was a very warm llama /wool blend.  Since he couldn't find his hat and I am a supportive wife, I immediately offered to "whip up another hat" for him. 

Good intentions - bad idea.

I had a nice bulky washable wool blend in a manly deep gray, but after an hour I was only at 2.5 inches.  At that point I realized that I was so tired my eyes were spinning and my hands were starting to cramp.  The I realized that while I could probably finish the hat if I stayed up all night, I wouldn't be able to move my fingers the next day and I had knitting group and the stupid hat wasn't worth it.

 It's all his fault.  Hubby shouldn't have lost that last hat.

Anyway, I went to bed, woke up Hubby and apologized for not getting his new hat done in time for him to take it out fishing tomorrow.  (He returned the favor by later waking me up at 3:00 am.) 

Hope he does well this trip, catches lots of fish and has a good time.  He can lose the new hat another day.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Time Out for the Yucky Stuff

I've got a little problem - you see, I got a sweater's worth of Rowan Summer Tweed.  Figured, "hey, it's summer and I like tweed", and the composition of said yarn is 70% silk and 30 % cotton. 

I'm a sucker for silk.  I love, LOVE, silk but equally hate cotton.  Now, usually when you have a silk blend it's nice.  This stuff is not.

I hate it.  Awful stuff.  It works like a harsh cotton on my hands and has lots of vegetable matter in it (straw, I think - or hope).  It sticks like Velcro on wood needles.  I've tried to like it.  I would really like to like it.  I had it in mind for a nice little summer cardi, but alas, the yarn had other ideas.   

You'd think it would be good stuff - Rowan is like, famous, and it looked nice in the skein.  Truly disappointing.  So now it's the Time-out bin for the yucky yarn.  Maybe it will learn how to play nice while it's there.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I Tawt I saw a Pudytat

Have you ever taken a drive on a beautiful mild summer day?  The kind of day where you could roll down the windows and put your elbow up on the door and enjoy the delicious cool air flowing up your sleeve and cooling off your arm pit.  Radio on with your favorite song playing, foot tapping to the beat. 

Then you realize that a bee has flown up your sleeve and things start going a bit different after that.

The other night I was sound asleep and was enjoying a wonderful dream - you know, the kind where you are doing something amazing and you look really good doing it - and I suddenly woke up with my eyes watering and was almost choking. 

Seems a skunk had passed right by our air conditioning unit outside about 2:00 in the morning and the smell got all throughout the house.  Just couldn't get away from it.  Made me glad to go to work that morning.

My biggest worry was that my stash would have the smell - but it's OK.  Whew...