Saturday, December 5, 2009

Holiday Pressure

Holiday knitting starting to get done (part A, B and C get done only if A is pressure or anything...) I'm feeling the pressure...

I'm really trying to take the Holiday pressure off myself this year. We've all been sick, the house is not clean - let alone decorated - and I am way behind in my Christmas baking (as in I've bought the ingredients but haven't even taken anything out of the bags yet - they're still sitting on the counter).

Why do we do this? Do we take a perverse delight in tormenting ourselves? We dangle impossible goals in front of us like a carrot on a stick - and just guess who the donkey is. :)

Christmas to me is a time to share with friends and family. Of course I want things to be special, but I would rather spend time with my loved ones than running ragged trying to get everything perfect. Can I do it? The jury's still out on this one, folks...

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