Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Today that is now Yesterday

I already posted an entry named "Today", so I can't do that again, even though today is now today and the today of yesterday is gone.  (Feeling a bit philosophical - I know, it's annoying.) SOOO, the post for today will have to be something else.

Yesterday after posting, I went down to http://www.shelbys-place.com/information.php?info_id=12  (got to love a place named after a beloved dog), and picked up some new yarn:

This is Lorna's Laces Shepherd Worsted (a superwash merino wool) in the color Calumet.   Knitting up looks like this:

Yummy.  I love how the colors are so rich and dark with brief flashes of light.     Beautiful. 

(OK, I started watching "Battlestar Galectica" season 1 again, so the show is influencing my outlook a bit.  Made it through part of disk 3 - not real sure exactly where I stopped last night before falling asleep in the chair.  Cool show.) 

I love getting a new yarn that I haven't used before and having it work up well.  It's like reading a new book that is so good you just can't put it down so you stay up all night reading until the book is done.   

TODAY (the real today - not the 'today' of yesterday) I plan to knit some more and see if I can't finish season 1. 

I'll also be sealing bathroom tile that I should have done yesterday, but that's another story.

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