Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day! My youngest made cookies that spelled out "World's #1 Mom" (except the '#' fell apart). I thought that was very thoughtful of him. He was also very helpful later when he helped me eat them. :)

Mother's Day to me is not how much loot you get - face it, most of the stuff you get are things like macaroni jewlery, a hot wheel car from their collection, flowers stolen from a neighbor's yard or something like that. They'll make you a big breakfast and tear up the kitchen while they do it. So no, Mother's Day is not about the stuff.

It's about the kids telling you they love and appreciate you. It's a card they painstakenly picked out, or even better, one they made theirselves. It's about the hugs given with the grubby chocolate-covered little hands and the drooly kisses when they're babies. Later it's about them getting over their embassasment of having a parent around and getting a quick-before-someone-sees-me-doing-this hug before they move on to more imporant things, like a video game or hanging out with their friends.

Mother's Day is just a time when they stop, even if it's for just a moment or two, and remember Mom and all the things she does for them and how much they care.

I also get to go clean up the kitchen.

Happy Mother's Day!

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